Indications for Auriculotherapie
Who can benefit from auriculotherapy ?
Everyone can benefit from auriculotherapy: adults, seniors, adolescents and even babies. After a long period of pain and discomfort, a treatment with auriculotherapy often feels like a true relief for most patients.
What can auriculotherapy be used for?
The indications for auriculotherapy are countless and apply to most areas of medicine. A short overview:
Headaches, migraine, toothache, (trigeminus)neuralgia, back pain, pain resulting from surgery, zona, arthritis, fibromyalgia, reuma, stomach pain, sports related pains
Stomach and bowel problems like gastritis, reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, colitis ulcerosa, hemorrhoids, …
Psychosomatic disorders
Stress, anxiety, sleeping problems, chronic fatigue, heart rythm irregularities
Sinisitis, hay fever, otitis, rhinitis, asthma,…
Ear, nose and throat
Tinnitus, vertigo, dry mouth, swallowing problems,…
Neuralgia, migraine, zona, facialisparalysis, consequences of a CVA, anxiodepressive complaints, sleep disorders,…
Acné, urticaria, psoriasis, allergies
Menopausal trouble, (pre)menstrual problems, fertility, complaints during pregnancy and delivery
Tooth and mouth
Tooth ache, problems involving temporomandibular joint,…
Stop smoking!
Consequences of cancer and its treatment like pain, neuralgia, gastrointestinal problems,…