Auriculotherapy in practice
What does a consultation look like ?
Count on half an hour for an interview, examination and treatment. During the conversation, the complaints and possible causes are assessed. A thorough examination is then carried out: among other things, an electrical device is used to determine which points on the ear need to be treated.
For the actual treatment, the patient lies down and the doctor sits on a stool at the head end. You can choose one of the following treatment methods:

Semi-permanent needles
Semi-permanent needles (ASP) that remain on the ear during a number of days or even a few weeks.

The points on the ear are treated with cold to obtain a comparable effect.

The points are treated in a painless manner with short electrical pulses for 30 seconds.

Acupuncture needles
The acupuncture needles stay on the ear during the consultation for 10 to 30 minutes.
What happens after treatment?
What do I pay attention to?
How long do I have to carry these needles?
Does it hurt
Are there any unwanted effects?
Can I take a shower
When can I expect a result
How many treatments are necessary?