Integrative Medicine stands for integrating or combining complementary and classical treatment methods.
This creates a wider range of therapeutic options. The most suitable treatment is proposed for each problem and for each individual patient.
Dr. Verpraet specializes in Auriculotherapy. Specific points on the ear are stimulated to treat a wide range of conditions. This can be done with needles but also with other techniques such as cryotherapy.
In this practice you can also receive Neural therapy, which can be applied separately or in combination with auriculotherapy.
Additional treatments include nutritherapy, phytotherapy and homeopathy.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can you be my GP?
In my practice I mainly treat chronic complaints and only work by appointment. I do not replace your general practitioner, but work closely with specialists and GPs.
Can I claim back the cost of a consultation from my health insurance?
Yes, but only partially. Certain health insurances offer extended coverage for complementary medicine. Contact your health insurance provider.
Can you do a blood test?
Certainly. A blood test may be necessary for an accurate diagnosis, as might a referral for further examinations.
Are you an 'alternative healer'?
No, in my practice there is no place for charlatanism. I am a medical doctor first with a specialisation in complementary medicines like auriculotherapy. I aim for a responsible approach with a maximum result and minimal side effects.
How long does a consultation take?
A consultation takes about half an hour and is only by appointment.
Do I need to bring something to the consultation?
Bring as much information along as you can: list of medication, results of previous examinations,… You can also email them to me.
Do you prescribe conventional medication?
Yes, I also prescribe conventional medication if necessary, although I prefer to start with alternative medication like homeopathy, phytotherapy and nutritional supplements. A combination is equally possible.
Do I have to believe in your treatment for it to work?
No, the techniques I use have proven to be successful in practice. More and more international studies show that auriculotherapy, homeopathy, acupuncture and phytotherapy deserve their place in the treatment of a number of medical problems.